Multi-Tenant SaaS Architecture

Multi-tenant architectures are the industry standard for enterprise SaaS applications, it is a good choice for businesses that want to get started with fewer hardware requirements and easier onboarding. It is also ideal for customers who don’t have the internal resources needed to handle the maintenance requirements of single tenant SaaS environments.

Single Database Multi-tenancy

When using the "single database" version, data from all tenants will be gathered into a single database and separated by columns containing tenantID's.

SaasWeb using this approach and Tenant relationships are handled automatically.

Model setup

If your models are somehow limited to the current team you will find yourself writing this query over and over again:

Model::where('team_id', auth()->user()->currentTeam->id)->get();

{info} This assumes that the model has a field called team_id.

use App\Traits\UsedByTeams;

class Task extends Model
    use UsedByTeams;

Tenants CRUD Operations

By adding UsedByTeams trait on a model. you can now call CRUD operations directly.

// gets all tasks for the currently active team of the authenticated user

Normal CRUD Operations

SaaSWeb gives you ability to fetch data to perform normal CRUD operations on models with UsedByTeams trait. To do so, you can use allTeams scope when fetching records associated with that model.

{warning} For example this operations can be done on: admin dashboard.

// gets all tasks from all teams globally